Making plastic circular
By not recycling plastics we are wasting our resources. Therefore, we have decided that all plastic packaging in this country should be recycled so that it can become new plastic products. We have built the largest and most efficient plant for plastic recycling in Europe, thereby taken a big step towards our vision. Thanks to our fully automated technology, we sort different plastic types with maximum precision, which helps to reduce waste and ensure that as much as possible can become new plastic products. And best of all, we have the capacity to collect and handle all plastic packaging from all households in Sweden.
But having Europe’s most efficient plant does not automatically mean that we have reached our vision. Major environmental challenges require a joint effort. This means helping producers to choose plastic packaging that can be recycled. It also means that you and I must sort plastic after we have consumed the goods. And finally, that our waste collection systems for plastic are optimal. All parts of the recycling chain are equally important.
Plastic is a fantastic material with unique properties, which, in many ways, enables the functioning of our modern society. We now have to make full use of plastic and its value as recycled raw material.
We make plastic circular. Over and over again.
Swedish Plastic Recycling
Swedish Plastic Recycling offers a nationwide system for collecting and recycling of plastic packaging in Sweden to companies with an extended producer responsibility. Swedish Plastic Recycling operates Europe’s largest and most efficient plant for recycling of plastic packaging. The plant has the capacity to handle packaging from all Swedish households.
Swedish Plastic Recycling is owned by Plastinformationsrådet, Dagligvaruleverantörerna DLF,Svensk Handel and Svensk Dagligvaruhandel. Our head office and sorting plant Site Zero is located in Motala, and we are about 100 employees.
Swedish Plastic Recycling
Swedish Plastic Recycling offers a nationwide system for collecting and recycling of plastic packaging in Sweden to companies with an extended producer responsibility. Swedish Plastic Recycling operates Europe’s largest and most efficient plant for recycling of plastic packaging. The plant has the capacity to handle packaging from all Swedish households.
Swedish Plastic Recycling is owned by Plastbranschens Informationsråd, Dagligleverantörernas Förbund, Svensk Handel and Svensk Dagligvaruhandel. Swedish Plastic Recycling owns FTI (Förpacknings- och tidningsinsamlingen) together with four other materials companies (Metallkretsen, Pressretur, Returkartong och Svensk Glasåtervinning). Our head office and recycling plant is located in Motala, and we are 35 employees.